SHIFT: Somatic Healing & Integration Focused on Transformation

1:1 Somatic Enneagram* Facilitation to Welcome your Wholeness and Broadcast your Brilliance


Your unique Essential Nature is needed on the planet, right now.

The specific combination of experiences and learnings you’ve acquired is a gift to the world.

Your presence is more precious than your mind could ever fully conceive it to be.


The biggest obstacle to accessing and embodying these truths is the universal human experience of Self-Forgetting.

Waking Up and coming home to ourselves is a delicate process.

It helps to have a dedicated space to explore, methods that safely untangle old patterns, and a skilled companion to walk alongside you.

Using your Enneagram type as a foundational map for your growth, I offer somatic facilitation, intuitive guidance, and an assortment of practices from my clinical and spiritual toolkit to activate your most aligned path to Self-Remembering.

In this intimate process, I hold the space for you to tap directly into your own wellspring of wisdom, with the invitation to cultivate radical self-honesty and radical self-compassion.

This is an invitation to SHIFT your relationship with your whole Being to embody a more dynamic and authentic expression of your Essential Nature.

Are you feeling the call?


*My work is heavily informed by the teachings and mentorship of Marion Gilbert and her approach to The Somatic Enneagram™

Your journey is unique, and I don’t claim to know what will happen as a result of this work.

What I do know is that this type of integration supports you in developing the neuropathways to…

➡️ increase feelings of safety and self-trust in times of uncertainty

➡️ consciously uncover the brilliance you were born to broadcast into the world by embracing the parts of you that have been living in the shadow and welcoming them back into a deeper experience of wholeness

➡️ develop discernment about when your automatic patterns are relevant to your current reality, when they’re not, and how to navigate either way

My background, why I do Somatic Enneagram Work, and who this work is for

I go deeper into the foundations of Somatic Enneagram Work in my mini course, which is included in the SHIFT program (details below) or can be purchased on its own for $37.

Through short video lessons with downloadable audio and transcripts, you will:

  • identify the key principles of somatic awareness practice and how your Enneagram type is most likely to show up in the process;

  • experientially access your body’s felt sense of well-being;

  • & be primed to deepen your capacity for transformational work (facilitated and on your own)!

SHIFT: Somatic Healing & Integration Focused on Transformation

The Details

  • In this self-paced mini course, key sections are highlighted (⚡) as recommended to view prior to live sessions in order to introduce the type of process we’ll engage in.

    The mini course includes:

    • 12 short videos with downloadable transcripts and audio files for your preferred method(s) of digestion

    • Reflection prompts and resources for further exploration

    • A guided meditation for you to revisit anytime

    • A brief demonstration of what a facilitated practice can look like.

  • In a potent and sacred space, we’ll work with the Somatic Enneagram™ method of facilitation to experience integration of all three Centers of Intelligence (head, heart, and gut). You’ll develop the skillset to be more present — and work with any obstacles to presence — in all three centers (head, heart, & gut).

    • Sessions are 75 minutes and we’ll meet at an average rate of twice/month

    • Recordings are available to revisit if desired

    Each session is unique and will meet you where you are at while building upon capacity developed in previous sessions. You are invited to bring challenges you’ve been facing or specific intentions you have regarding your inner work. We will drop into the body, consult the body’s wisdom, and work with this transformational method.

    Things that may happen in a session:

    • Learning to connect to your body’s felt-sense awareness; getting present to the feelings and sensations showing up in the body in real time

    • Mapping your inner landscape and developing an intimate awareness of automatic defense mechanisms in the body that habitually take you away from presence

    • Allowing expression of thoughts, feelings, and movements that you normally suppress or avoid; releasing the tensions held in the body that keep you stuck in your patterns

    While The Marion Gilbert Method of Somatic Enneagram™ facilitation is the primary method, I’ll bring in other skills and tools, as appropriate for the person in front of me.

  • Your inner work and integration continues outside of our sessions - so I’ll be available to you along the way!

    I offer email, voice messaging, and/or video messaging to stay connected between sessions.

What’s Included

The Investment

1 payment of $2200


6 monthly payments of $375


9 monthly payments of $250

How to Sign Up

Goodness of fit is important to me and I don’t work long term with anyone I haven’t had 1:1 contact with.

If we haven’t connected before, let’s start with a Clarity Call.

If we’ve been in contact and you’re ready to take your inner work to the next level, click the Let’s Chat button below.

Bring any questions and I’ll be honest about whether I see this as a fit for you at this time. If it’s a YES for both of us, we’ll talk details! 😊

My commitment is to show up fully as I hold space for and walk alongside you in your process, so I have limited spaces for this offering. I currently have space available for new SHIFT clients!

What clients are saying

  • "Working with Caryn has been nothing short of life-changing. I was not prepared for the emotions that surfaced during my sessions with Caryn but she was never taken aback or dismissive - she always knew the exact questions to ask to help me create space for my feelings while connecting to my body. For the first time in my life, I learned to hold genuine compassion for myself and I was able to grieve, forgive, and release old wounds I had been carrying for decades. Caryn's humor, support, encouragement, and gentle feedback along with her calming presence gave me the strength to keep exploring and uncovering my True Self."

    ~Sarah, Type 4

  • "Caryn's guidance has helped me see myself and others in powerfully new ways. In each session, I discover a new perspective that excites me and truly changes the way I move throughout my day. She also teaches me practices that reinforce these new discoveries and help me grow between sessions. What impresses me most is how she trusts and draws forth the deep hidden knowledge that I already carry with me. Her warmth, compassion, and skill make me feel truly heard. She creates a space where I am 100% accepted yet inspired to grow toward my dreams."

    ~ Ari, Type 1

  • "I loved how Caryn used the knowledge of my Enneagram type to help me feel and experience deeper emotions. The body [somatic] work that she did with me - feeling different emotions as I thought through some difficult things - made a big impact on me. I felt strengthened, encouraged and almost like a different person afterward. Caryn is such an authentic and gentle person and I strongly recommend her if you are longing for deep inner change and want to uncover layers that have been hidden deep within. If you want to step out, live fully embodied in the present and enjoy your life to the fullest, please contact Caryn."

    ~Natalija, Type 5

  • Caryn's focus on learning how to listen to the body is a new level of support that I have never experienced before. I jokingly tell people that Caryn is a "magician" -- what I mean by that is that Caryn is able to get so much out of a person just by encouraging them to consider themselves in a way that they may not have before.

    ~ Colleen, Type 9

  • "I appreciate the safe space Caryn creates for a person to be. Her approach has helped me allow myself to be curious and explore scary, tough, alien feelings all while being kept safe, whole and breathing!"

    ~Sarah, Type 1

SHIFT is a 6-month container for folks who have already spent time getting to know their dominant Enneagram type.

— If you’re new to inner work or you are just beginning to apply an Enneagram lens to that work, I recommend starting with my Just My Type services.

— To learn more about the Enneagram or take your understanding to the next level, check out these free Enneagram resources.

There’s another way of Being

You’re not new to inner work, so you have some sense that you are not who you once mistook yourself to be.

You understand that you’ve been conditioned by many sociological and cultural factors that have helped you survive… but aren’t really YOU. ✨

Plus, you’re familiar with the Enneagram, so you’ve likely uncovered some of your ego’s favorite thought loops, shame spirals, and go-to sources of existential dread. 🙃

The more closely you look, you’ve been starting to suspect these patterns play out in more subtle ways than your mind can grasp. 👁️

You’re right.

Your Enneagram type’s patterns are wired into your nervous system.

This is why you can be psychologically “committed to growth” but keep encountering the same struggles.

Cycles of coping until you’re burnt out.

Repetitive issues in your relationships.

Beating yourself up for not being able to “figure it out” even with all the work you’ve done…

Let me explain:

Your body is designed to automatically and unconsciously adapt to the conditions of your environment.

This is not a design flaw!

When we come into this life, we face an existential paradox:

On the one hand, we are part of the oneness of all things, inseparable from the timeless and formless field of infinite possibility (sometimes called Essence, Source, The Universe, God, The Field, etc.).

On the other hand, we are humans, living in finite bodies in a world with many limitations and distinctions between “self” and “other.”

Both are true and neither can ever be untrue.

The only problem is that we forget.

Our human journey goes something like this:

Complete Connection with Essence —> Self-Forgetting —> Ego Development + Survival Conditioning

If we are lucky, we face hardship and take the next steps:

—> Questioning —> Self-Remembering

Self-Remembering is an evolution of consciousness where we learn to hold the paradox without pitting one truth against the other.

But first, we must forget the truth of our inherent

worthiness + value + validity

Though this stage is necessary, the forgetting creates a wound.

And like a physical wound, it is painful when it gets poked.

Even bringing attention toward the wound is usually too painful.

This is by design.

When we are infants (or 5… or 10… or 20 years old…) and someone says or does something that indicates our unworthiness, lack of value, or is invalidating, our Beings are smart enough to know that we did not have the skillful means to directly address these wounds.

It would have been totally overwhelming to enter into the eye of the suffering.

So instead, we intelligently and unconsciously develop the ability to…

create a sense of predictability & security by focusing most of our attention on certain aspects of reality…

create a sense of connection with others by adapting our image to be seen favorably by those who matter most…

and create a sense of autonomy & control by physically contracting our bodies against anything that reinforce the wound.

The result? We survived! And with a good enough ego to develop skills and aptitudes for navigating the 3D world!

These skills act like a bandage, keeping the wound somewhat protected and the pain contained.

It’s a wonderful thing that we can get through the day without the overwhelming charge of addressing a deep spiritual wound — which, before someone is ready, can result in them having a nervous breakdown.

Our system loves repeating what has worked.

So we do.

The secondary result? Our bodies continue to work over-time to keep us from feeling the pain of this wound.

You’ve now had decades of practice directing your energy in specific ways that have helped you carry on with your life.

These have led to certain beliefs about who we are and how the world works.

Anything that doesn’t line up gets pushed out of awareness to keep these beliefs in place and to not open up the deepest wounds.

Everything in our instincts told us not to.

In fact, our egos told us there was no wound.

So we didn’t develop the skills to heal the wound.

We may have identified all sorts of problems with the world around us, with other people, and even with ourselves, and offered many ideas about how to solve these problems with the skills we already had.

We didn’t have the tools to navigate the emotions that come when we approach the wound or the skillful means of cleaning it out and removing old irritants.

By the time we ever hear the word “Enneagram” these patterns of self-forgetting, managing the wound, and avoiding the pain had become ingrained.

When you found your core type, you probably started seeing more clearly how these patterns and aptitudes show up in your life.

In fact, they likely seemed so familiar that you confused them for who you are.

Which leads to another paradox:

Your type can point to the gift waiting for you within the wound, and YOU are so much more than your type.

With the wound hidden deep within your unconscious, you didn’t notice what you have now been conditioned to avoid.

This is what keeps you in Self-Forgetting and what keeps you from experiencing a sense of wholeness.

The Enneagram outlines the Defense System, which helps us understand how we keep ourselves from going where it feels too dangerous to explore.

Our Defense Mechanism automatically runs when we fear tending the wound would be too challenging to our sense of identity and too disruptive to the things we like about how we’ve built our lives.

When we venture deeply into these shadowlands, coming closer to the wound, we will never be the same.

On some level, we know this, which is why we stay away.

Until we’re ready.

The psyche and the spirit and the body have to be willing.

But personal growth and spiritual development are not about willpower.

If you’ve developed enough awareness to begin to see your patterns more clearly….

And you’ve had enough life experience to recognize that these patterns bring certain limitations…

And you’ve read this far…

I have good news!

There is a safe method to address the core wound.

There are practices to learn to tolerate the initial sting of facing your Avoidance without overriding your nervous system.

There are ways to allow your body to release the tensions that keep you braced against the treasures that await you there.

The catch?

This kind of healing involves adopting an entirely different orientation than the ego is used to.

The “unpopular proposition” is turning toward what your nervous system has been wired to turn away from — to stop looking “out there” and direct your attention “in here.”

Unconscious beliefs embedded in your body are certain this is not a good idea (and without skillful means, it’s true that this can be retraumatizing).

Safely rewiring your nervous system means going at the pace of the body.

With guidance and practice, you can establish a new paradigm within your Being - one where you are capable of being present to the joys and challenges of the human experience without getting overwhelmed.

And, when things get tough, you have the skills and tools to come home to yourself.

When you get underneath all the defenses, distractions, and perceived dangers, what is waiting for you is so alive, so beautiful, and so freeing that you’ll have to experience it to believe it.

I want to show you how.

I’ll be your guide

Hi, I’m Caryn (she/her).

Trained as a social worker, I now play the roles of Enneagram Teacher, Somatic Practitioner, and Transformationalist where I inspire insight, and wield wisdom in service of your Inner Knowing.

I believe you can live a life that honors all of who you are and benefits humanity as a whole.

Through Deep Relationship, Compassionate Curiosity, Somatic Awareness Practice, and the framework of the Enneagram, I support seekers as they encounter their shadows, hold the tension of life’s paradoxes, and become responsive stewards of the ever-emerging present.

You cannot override the body’s intelligence. Instead, start where you are and work with what you find. As you learn to listen deeply to the world inside yourself, you will be amazed at what you discover has been there all along.
